After joining the Royal Navy in 1977, I qualified as a Combat Survival Instructor on a course ran by the Training Wing of 22 Regiment SAS. I have spent over 44 years teaching Land, Sea, Desert, Jungle, and Cold-Weather survival skills – as well as Survival and Conduct in Captivity – to UK and USA Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force personnel. I completed 22 years service in the Royal Navy and have served 22 years in the Royal Navy Reserves.

I was the Royal Navy's Chief Survival Instructor and also served three years as the Chief Instructor at the US Navy SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) School in Brunswick Maine. I have seen service in the Falklands, Germany, USA, Bosnia and Northern Ireland. I have undertaken as a student,  and subsequently taught on survival course around the World.  In addition to serving a tour with the Army Intelligence Corps. 

I am the author of several books on survival - published by Dorling Kindersley.

I provided the survival equipment and training for Sir Richard Branson’s balloon global circumnavigation attempts and led the recover/rescue team.

I also trial, evaluate and instruct in the use of specialised survival equipment, both in the UK and abroad.

"By Failing To Prepare You Are Preparing To Fail"
