The Survival Handbook in Association with the Royal Marines Commandos
My First book - a comprehensive guide to basic survival techniques: from planning, to what to do when it all goes wrong.
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (1 April 2009)
ISBN-10: 1405322365 ISBN-13: 978-1405322362.

An updated version of the first book - reduced in size (but not content). Fit's inside a standard mess tin and small enough to put in your backpack.
Paperback: 320 pages
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (1 Sept. 2016)
ISBN-10: 9780241240496 ISBN-13: 978-0241240496

Essential Survival Skills: Key Tips and Techniques for the Great Outdoors
A reduced version that contains the essentials and is small enough to fit in a cargo pants pocket or slip into a backpack.
Paperback: 176 pages
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher:Dorling Kindersley (21 Feb. 2011)
ISBN-10: 0756659981 ISBN-13: 978-0756659981

Survival For beginners
A guide to the basics of venturing outdoors, hiking and camping. Steps to help prevent getting yourself in a survival situation, basic survival techniques to help you if you do.
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (May 2019)
ISBN: 9780241339893